
User Guide πŸ“–

Table of Content

1. Introduction

Duke is a chatbot that deals with personal tasks management. With Duke, you are able to quickly create new and specific tasks just with your keyboard. If you are a fast typer, Duke is for you!

2. Quick Start


If you are a Windows user, you may just double-click the .jar file, and fire away!


If you are a MacOS user, head over to the Terminal, and change directory to the directory with the .jar file. Next, type in the terminal java -jar duke-1.0.0.jar. The program will start, and you can start chatting with Duke!

If you are unsure of the commands available for Duke, you can type and enter help.

3. Features

3.1 Create Todo

Create a simple todo task, with its description.

todo read CS2103T textbook

3.2 Create Event

Create an event, where you should have a description, start time and date of event. Take note of the time and date format.

Time: HH:mm

Date: dd/MM/yyyy

event CS2103T project meeting /at 14:00 17/2/2020

3.3 Create Deadline

Create a deadline task, where you should have a description, end time and date of event. Take note of the time and date format.

Time: HH:mm

Date: dd/MM/yyyy

deadline CS2103T tutorial /by 23:59 20/2/2020

3.4 List

List out all your saved tasks.


3.5 Tags

Add tags to your tasks, so that you can categorize them, or search for them easily.

event CS2103T project meeting /at 14:00 17/2/2020 #tutorial #iP #duke #tP

3.6 Find tasks

Find tasks easily by putting in the search word, or the date.

find meeting
find 2/2/2020

3.7 Done

Mark specific tasks (indicated by their index on the list) as done.

done 3

3.8 Delete

Delete specific tasks (indicated by their index on the list) from the list.

delete 3

3.9 Help Center

Pull up the help center if you don’t remember the commands.


3.10 Exit

Since its a chatbot, say bye to it!
